Lemnos ☼

Anoula’s Travel NoteBook : Back to Greece.

2034-lemnos-island-ileAfter I shared with you on this website what I knew about Crete, through my Cretan escapades and my passions, I was separated for 10 years from the Hellenic world. And one day, I had the opportunity to go back to this Mediterranean part, in Greece again, with the envy of discovering something else, something different.
After the South and the Great Island of Crete, this is the North and a smaller size and much less known Island: Lemnos.
So it is with the same eyes that I discovered again what attracted me in this insular world, the cradle of our civilization which seems to remain as it was.


This is with a great pleasure that I remember and tell you about this little trip wishing to give you the envy to depart, to be somewhere else, and to come back…under the sky and the bright stars of Lemnos.

Lemnos : a cultural and human discovery, a real alternative tourism.